Non Stop Project Video Performance & Video Dance @ Kinitiras, Athens

Video Art Miden collaborates with Kinitiras studio in a special video dance & video performance screening event curated by Margarita Stavraki. The presentation, including 4 programs from this year’s edition of Video Art Miden, will take place in Athens, 3 of November 2018, at 20.00.
Additionally, all programs will be screened in a special ongoing presentation at the entrance hall of Kinitiras until June 2019.
Kinitiras Studio – Address: Erechtheiou 22, Acropolis, Athens, Greece – Info:
You may download the press release here
Download the complete program (introduction, artist’s bios and description of the works) here
Screening Event 3 November 2018 / Non Stop Screenings from November 2018 to June 2019
Studio Screening 3 /11 /18
Move like me _ Video Dance & Video Performance selection
Curated by Margarita Stavraki Duration: 43 min
A video selection where human bodies narrate as they move, are in love, compete, fight and vibrate.
- Christina Mertzani / free fall company, Aliki Chiotaki & Dimitris Barnias, 60 pulses, Greece 2016, 3.32
- Blas Payri, Ce monde inconnu de sensations, Spain & France 2018, 3.25
- Francesca Leoni & Davide Mastrangelo, Nowhere History, Italy 2017, 3.40
- Patricia Bentancur, Untitled, (Play), Uruguay 2014, 1.35
- Francesca Leoni , Ego-Crazia, Italy 2017, 8.25
- Еlena Artemenko, Soft Power, Russia 2016, 10.00
- Marta Arjona & Ariadna Llussà, ZOÍ I ζωή, Spain 2017, 3.40
- APOTROPIA, Φ, Italy 2017, 4.44
- Yiorgos Drosos, District one, Greece 2014-2015, 1.50
vDance: poses, movements and short narratives_ Video Dance selection
Curated by Margarita Stavraki Duration: 70 min
A video selection where poses and movements turn to dance and poetry. The dance is sometimes physical and other times a result of the processing of moving image. The surrounding space is sometimes real, defined and it stimulates the dance, and other times it is digital and neutral, in order to make us concentrate absolutely on the motion of the bodies. Dance, movement and pose are a primordial need of man, which is involved in the digital age.
- Izabella Retkowska, Inertness, Poland 2016, 1.10
- Marta Arjona & Mei Casabona, X-TREM, Spain 2016, 5.24
- Aliki Chiotaki, Cipher, Greece 2017, 1.18
- Daphna Mero, Selfiesism – Dance Duet, Israel & USA 2017, 5.03
- Fran Orallo, the chaos theory, UK 2018, 3.40
- Gaetano Maria Mastrocinque, Argille, Italy 2016, 5.47
- Johannes Christopher Gérard, Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy, Russia 2017, 4.51
- Dancevacuum dance company-Vicky Vassilopoulou, Handmade, Greece 2018, 8.11
- Same As Sister/Briana Brown-Tipley & Hilary Brown and Aitor Mendilibar, Odd Jewels: Beauty Under Mask, USA 2018, 8.26
- Cecilia Seaward, Recollect, USA 2016, 2.40
- Stefano Croci & Luca Veggetti, SCENARIO, Italy 2017, 22.00
Entrance hall Screening 3 /11 /18
Fragments of a story_ Video Dance & Video Performance selection
Curated by Margarita Stavraki Duration: 49 min
The program explores the autonomy of narrative elements and their reconnection in a video art selection. In these videos the object, the gesture and the space become art works on their own. Sometimes they deny their narrative role, sometimes they just insinuate it, and at others they serve it poetically.
- Mircea Bobînă, Dust, Moldova 2017, 1.00
- Eleonora Roaro, 00:00:01:00, UK 2016, 2.00
- Hanna Schaich, 400000 times, Germany 2017, 4.36
- Irini Folerou, Revealing, UK 2016, 1.19
- Anna Macdonald, After Mrs Mills, UK 2016, 2.37
- Hamza Kirbas, I, YOU, S/HE, WE, Turkey 2017, 00.47
- John C. Kelley, Drum Solo, USA 2018, 4.54
- Cat Del Buono, Pass the Buck, USA 2018, 1.33
- Mauricio Sanhueza, The House, Peru 2018, 8.15
- François Roux, The Western Bug, Canada 2014, 1.22
- Collin Bradford, End Light, USA 2016, 11.07
- François Roux & Mathieu Bouillod, Phantom’s Ontology, Belgium 2014, 3.45
- Marcia Beatriz Granero, Minada, Brazil 2015, 2.15
Act… with or without expression_ Video Performance selection
Curated by Margarita Stavraki Duration: 47 min
A selection of video performances based on body identity, with references to ritual, philosophy & poetry, human disorientation, and the history of family relationships.
- Gabriel Andreu, My Father’s Tears, UK 2016, 3.52
- Eduardo Herrera, Liberación, Argentina 2016, 2.30
- Michele Manzini, In the House of Mantegna, Italy 2017, 6.36
- Nuno Veiga, Boa Morte, Portugal 2018, 4.05
- Alexander Isaenko, Memorial, Ukraine, 2016, 12.24
- Elisabetta Di Sopra, The Care, Italy 2018, 2.34
- Miloushka Bokma, Thuis, Home, Heimat, Netherlands 2018, 7.57
- Aleksandra Mlynarczyk-Gemza, KOAN: What did your face looked like before your parents were born?, Poland 2014, 1.18
- Gray Swartzel, Self-Portrait with Mother (Offering), USA 2018, 3.24
Download the complete program (introduction, artist’s bios and description of the works) here