Miden screenings at Kalamata Street Festival

Miden participates in Kalamata Street Festival (Kalamata Railway Park, 28-31 July 2016) presenting 20 videoart works from 11 countries, in two screening programs. The first program, entitled VJ (curated by Margarita Stavraki) presents 13 videos of different aesthetic forms, that deal with the human entity and highlight scenes and objects of everyday life. The second program, under the title Fatal Error (curated by Gioula Papadopoulou) presents 7 digital videoart works based either on signal & image transformation or on 3d representations which create imaginary, artificial worlds, illustrated through the personal gaze and the aesthetics of each artist.
Participant artists:
VJ: Lívia Pasqual, Hamda Al Qassimi, Anaïs Pelaquier, Connie Dekker, Juan Alonso & Nicolás Rico, Daniel Spangler, LJ Frezza, Beatrice Peter Schuett, Kuesti Fraun, Devis Venturelli, Coalfather Industries, Manasak Khlongchainan, Irene Reece
Fatal Error: IP Yuk-Yiu, Ullrich Klose, Jeroen Cluckers, Julianne Aguilar, Sandrine Deumier & Philippe Lamy, Ana Cuzovic, claRa apaRicio yoldi
The screenings will take place at Kalamata Railway Park on Sunday, 31 of July (19:00-21:00h)
Press Release here
More info and the complete program can be found on Kalamata Street Festival website