W:OW Greece: Miden presents Greek videoart in Venezuela

In the frame of the international video art project W:OW: We Are One World, Miden presents “Down to Earth“, a selection of Greek video art curated by Gioula Papadopoulou.
The 1st presentation of the program will take place in Caracas, Venezuela, at the 3rd Nodoccs Festival, on 21 & 26 of October, 2017
“Down to Earth” is a selection of Greek video art, featuring 7 contemporary artists: Anna Vasof, Alexandros Kaklamanos, Panos Mazarakis, Yiannis Kranidiotis, Alex Karantanas, Katerina Athanasopoulou and Vasilis Karvounis.
The title is borrowed from Anna Vasof’s video “Down to Earth”, which opens the program. The video creates several personal stories, using ordinary objects fixed on different pairs of shoes, in unusual and practically useless mechanisms, which serve as strong metaphors for our way of living. Alexandros Kaklamanos also creates a metaphor using a stage setting of everyday life in his city, an urban trade-mark site in Thessaloniki: the well-known statue of Alexander the Great as a rider is vanished in his video, and has been substituted by a living horse, perhaps as a reminder to step out of myth or history and, for once, praise the livings –every living creature on Earth. The next 3 works, by artists Panos Mazarakis, Yiannis Kranidiotis and Alex Karantanas, focus on digital features to criticize vanity, classical and modern aesthetics and the limits between the natural and the virtual world in a dystopian way, setting questions about our actual & virtual entity. Katerina Athanasopoulou and Vasilsis Karvounis also use digital tools, to talk about life and death: Katerina Athanasopoulou in a lyrical music video, where a patient turns into a deep-sea diver sinking in their own body, and Vasilis Karvounis in a humorous, surrealistic, post-modern animation synthesis, inspired by S. Freud and S.Beckett.
All videos “talk” about “life on earth” as we experience it daily -each one of us in their own personal way- balancing between existence & nothingness, beauty & vainness, rhythm & chaos, movement & stillness, life & death.
More info & synopses of the works can be found here
More info about the Nodoccs event here
The W:OW Project – We Are One World was launched in 2017 as a media art project directed and curated by Agricola de Cologne to be realized in an exchange between virtual and physical space (online/offline) – the Global and the Local, dealing with the most essential question of human existence, eg. the survival of the human species on planet EARTH. The project is covering a wide range of digital artistic media (moving, interactive and static images, and non-visual media like soundart) to be released in different presentation formats during a period of several years – the online/offline W:OW project core, the travelling W:OW Art Film & Video Festival and the virtual and physical W:OW exhibition in different constellations (digital & analogue media).
You may view the complete program of W:OW Greece: Down to Earth here: