Video Art Miden travels to Moscow, to present a videoart program at Now&After ’17: Flashback, which takes place 5-30 of July at Center of Creative IndustriesFabrika.

The program, curated by Gioula Papadopoulou, is entitled Without me, Im nothing and brings together artists and works from Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, UK, Kanada, Israel and Lithuania.

Visual poetry and a peculiar existential –and at the same time magical- surrealism coexist in a selection of works that portray a vividly critical & subjective view of reality, dominated by a loneliness simultaneously cruel and tender as  a gentle caress.

Participant artists:

  1. Riccardo Muroni, 010, Italy 2015, 11.11
  2. Jenny Birger & Tamuz Rachman, Lurking, Israel 2014, 1.51
  3. Kristina Paustian, Positions, Germany 2016, 10.20
  4. Benjamin Yavuzsoy, Flour Room, Germany 2015, 3.00
  5. Valerie Lessard, Les insulaires, Canada 2015, 10.49
  6. Miloushka Bokma, WinterWende, Netherlands 2016, 5.00
  7. Ant Hamlyn, Light a Candle for Brierfield, UK 2016, 1.35
  8. Boris Eldagsen, How to disappear completely / POEM #11s, Germany 2015, 2.19
  9. Andrej Polukord, Sequence, Lithuania 2014, 0.58


More info and the complete program of Now&After can be found on: