Video Art Miden in FONLAD ’17, Portugal

The festival of digital arts FONLAD is taking place 14-22 of July 2017 in Coimbra, Portugal.
Video Art Miden participates in the big closing event of FONLAD, contributing the video work “010” by Riccardo Muroni. The closing program, “Momentum“, is an event that seeks to question the presentation of a video art session, performing in parallel several interventions ranging from performances to installations, in a context designed and designed by Sérgio Gomes, in partnership with several commissioners of international festivals.
Venue: Oficina Municipal do Teatro, Coimbra, July 22, 21.30h
Invited Curators: Enrico Tomaselli (It), Gioula Papadopoulou (Gr), Mario Gutierrez Cru (Es), Simon Guiochet (Fr), Federico Daza (Col)
Partners: Magmart (It), MIDEN (Gr), L’ Oeil Dodaaq (Fr), Proyector (Es)
More info and the complete program of FONLAD can be found here