Video Art Festival Miden: a meeting with contemporary video art in Kalamata

Video Art Festival Miden is ready to fill again the traditional neighborhoods of Kalamata’s Historic Centre with art images, colors and sounds and, more importantly, with fresh thoughts and creative ideas by numerous artists and video-creators from all over the world- in another summer video art meeting, in the heart of July, at the city of Kalamata, Greece.
In its 5th anniversary edition, Festival Miden presents the most interesting trends of contemporary video creation, with the participation of many acclaimed international artists, while also creating a significant platform for students and young creators to present their artistic work.
This year, the basic program of the festival includes curated theme screenings (Tranforming the ordinary, Strange Thoughts Missing Text, 17 Continents, Video Art + Dance, Urban (R)evolutions), as well as several special collaborations and tributes (Cologne OFF Video & Film Festival, VideoChannel,, Ionian University) and also a special selection from videos presented in the previous editions of the festival, in a celebration of its 5years anniversary.
Festival Miden 2009 will take place in open spaces (with free entrance for the public) at the Historic Centre of Kalamata, 10-12 of July.
Download the complete screening program here
Download press release here