Festival Miden is once more ready to fill Kalamata’s Historic Center with moving images and colorful ideas, presenting once again a powerful program of contemporary videoart from all over the world, from 3 to 5 of July.
Celebrating its 10 years anniversary, the festival completes a cycle and sets new goals for the future. In this celebrating event, the festival’s audience will have the chance to meet about 250 videoart creations from all around the globe.
This year the festival will take place for the first time in Othonos square, making a new start srom zero in a new place! Various parallel events, special screenings and tributes will also take place at other locations of the Historic Center of Kalamata (Kallitechniko Steki, dk design studio, Barfly), while REX Hotel’s amphitheatre will host a special retrospective presentation of Festival Miden and a lecture entitled “Unce upon a time there was a festival or Big organizations in the era of crisis” by pioneer Greek media-artist and Professor of Athens School of Fine Arts Manthos Santorineos (3/7). The entrance is free for the public at all events, as always.
Some of the basic thematic axis of this year: “Build your own world”, “F for female”, “Dance I & ΙΙ”, “Loading animation”, “Color”, “Mind Landscapes”, “Still Life”, “I never promised you a real garden”, “Get Over It”. Also, the festival will present a tribute to Greek videoart, a tribute to student works, a midnight program dedicated to love without discriminations and restrictions, focusing especially to the problems and issues of the LGBT community (“LOVE“) and a special tribute to the first experimental short movies by famous film directors, curated by Filmhouse (Kalamata’s Film Club).
Invited festivals and curators from abroad this year: Oslo Screen Festival/Norway, Cologne OFF X/Germany, CYLAND platform/Russia and curators Raffaella Barbato/Italy & Kika Nicolela/Brazil.
Festival Miden 2014 is realized with the support of the Municipality of Kalamata, in collaboration with Kalamata’s Youth Center, Filmhouse-Kalamata’s Film Club and Kallitechniko Steki.
Art direction: Gioula Papadopoulou
Curatorial team: Gioula Papadopoulou, Margarita Stavraki, Martha Zoupa, Maria Bourika, Vassilis Papaefstathiou, Ioanna Dimitrakopoulou-Koutava & Terpsi Kontargyri
Download the Press release here
Download the English version of the program here and/or the printed (Greek) version of the program here
View the program in English online here:
View the printed version of the program (Greek only) here:
Creative team Festival Miden 2014
Art direction, tributes & collaborations: Gioula Papadopoulou
Curators: Gioula Papadopoulou, Margarita Stavraki, Martha Zoupa, Maria Bourika, Ioanna Dimitrakopoulou-Koutava, Terpsi Kontargyri, Vassilis Papaefstathiou (Filmhouse – Kalamata Film Club)
Technical support – video editing: Stavros Kapetis
Graphic design: dk design
Webmaster: Christos Tsamardas
Collaborators: Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos, Filaretos Vourkos, Danny Kargas, Olga Papadopoulou, Nikos Iliopoulos
Also, many thanks to: Vasileios Bouzas, Manthos Santorineos, Marianna Strapatsaki, Kostis Vrettos, Nancylina Papadopoulou, Dareios Halili, Barfly, the whole team of Filmhouse – Kalamata Film Club, Kallitechniko Steki and Kalamata Youth Center for their help and cooperation.
Under the aegis of: