Miden presents a selection of contemporary Greek video art at the 8th Cairo Video Festival, Egypt.

The program, curated by Gioula Papadopoulou, is entitled “Forgiving time” and introduces 3 videos by contemporary Greek artists, in which ordinary, everyday objects are used symbolically to explore concepts such as memory, existence, displacement, alienation, inner battles and personal perceptions of time, loss, life and death.

Participant artists/works:

1. Aggeliki Bozou, Superm’s diary-Chapter 03: You and I, Greece 2015
2. Thodoris Trampas, Amorphous Mass, Greece, 2015
3. Sofia Simaki, It will be a while yet, Greece 2015

The works from Miden will be part of the loop videos exhibition which will take place 6-28 February, 2017, at 29 Hoda Sharawi, which is located in the heart of the city in downtown Cairo.

More info & updates: www.cvf.medrar.org

Press release here

You may view the 8th Cairo Video Festival full catalog here