Miden screenings at Kinitiras, Athens

Video Art Miden collaborates with Kinitiras – Artistic Network for Performing Arts for two days of video performance and video dance, on October 8th and 9th, 2016, where 28 pieces of work from 17 countries will be presented, in two sections, curated by Margarita Stavraki.
The first section under the title ‘Choreographies Unconscious’ is a selection of 15 video-performance and video-dance with a variety of references and extrapolations, where the physical movement is presented together with the rhythmical and stylized one.
Participant artists: Michele Manzini, Francesca Leoni, Miloushka Bokma, Salvatore Insana, Dimitris Argyriou, prOphecy sun, Marta Arjona Blasco (DansPXL), Noemie Lafrance, Andrej Polukord, Mauricio Saenz, Marta Kosieradzka & Eva Campos Suárez, Daphna Mero, Marcos Bonisson & Khalil Charif, Fenia Kotsopoulou, Marilia Chrysospathi.
The second section, under the title ‘Keep Moving’ presents 13 pieces with different aesthetics and conceptual approaches, which seek the reasons and the motives behind each move. A section, with adolescent, political and perhaps a sweet revolutionary mood.
Participant artists: Kai Welf Hoyme, Marie-France Giraudon & Emmanuel Avenel, Courtney Chaney, Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu, Eva Campos Suárez & Marta Kosieradzka, Elizabeth Leister, Evanthia Afstralou, Margherita Morello, Oscar Salamanca, Edya Stern & Yoav Gertner, Nikola Kekerović, Anton Hecht, Larissa Bone
More info at www.kinitiras.com
Press release here