Festival Miden travels to Reykjavík, Iceland

“In case of emergency, break glass”, a Festival Miden program featuring 11 contemporary artists from Greece, travels to Reykjavík for a 4 days event dedicated to video art at the Nordic House, curated by Kristin Scheving, director of 700IS Reindeerland.
The Nordic House celebrates the 50 years anniversary of videoart with a series of screenings, exhibitions, performances, lectures and seminars. In this frame, this year’s edition of 700IS Reindeerland will host & introduce selected video festivals from various countries: Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, Germany, USA, Palestine etc.
Festival Miden’s program will be screened on all four days, please visit 700IS Reindeerland for the detailed program and screening hours.
Participant artists/groups:
NOMINT, Nikos Giavropoulos, Poly Kokkinia, Mary Zygouri, Gioula Papadopoulou, Theodoros Zafeiropoulos, Dimitris Tzamouranis, Andreas Savva, Giorgos Maraziotis, Bill Balaskas, Andreas Sitorengo
Curated by: Gioula Papadopoulou + Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos
Dates: 7-10 of February, 2013
More info at www.700.is and www.nordice.is