Festival Miden at Vetlanda Museum, Sweden

In 2013, videoart celebrates 50 years of existence! On this occasion, Vetlanda Museum and Art:screen present throughout the year a series of programs curated by various festivals. The presentations will start on Saturday, February 2 with Festival Miden’s program “In case of emergency, break glass“, introducing 11 videoart works from Greece at Vetlanda Museum, Sweden. The presentation will last till March 3.
Participant artists/groups:
NOMINT, Nikos Giavropoulos, Poly Kokkinia, Mary Zygouri, Gioula Papadopoulou, Theodoros Zafeiropoulos, Dimitris Tzamouranis, Andreas Savva, Giorgos Maraziotis, Bill Balaskas, Andreas Sitorengo
Curated by: Gioula Papadopoulou + Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos
Program/dates of presentations:
2.2 – 3.3 Festival Miden, Greece
9.3 – 21.4 Manipulated Image, USA
27.4 – 9.6 art:screen, Sweden
15.6 – 18.8 Cyland Media Art Lab, Russia
24.8 – 29.9 Cologne International Videoart Festival & artvideoKOELN, Germany
5.10 – 10.11 700IS Reindeerland, Iceland
23.11 – 12.1.2014 Galleria Huuto, Finland
More info: artscreen.se
See/download the complete “art:screen on tour” program in pdf here