Festival Miden presents the program Can One Mistake Reality for Reality? at Ioannina, Greece, in the frame of the art project Gradient: From Gray to Color Scale.

The project will take place at Ioannina urban spaces from 3 to 11 of July 2014. Festival Miden screening is scheduled Sunday 6 of July, 21.30 at Papazoglou street.

The program is curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and was initially presented in Now&After events last year at Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

Participant artists: Maximilian Schmötzer & Fabian Heitzhausen, Alessia Travaglini, Alicja Rogalska, Mary Zygouri, Anna Ampariotou, Hua Peng, Aleksandra Obradovic, Shahar Marcus, Hillerbrand+Magsamen, Mattias Härenstam, Gioula Papadopoulou, Tina Willgren, Yuliya Lanina, Leyla Rodriguez & Cristian Straub, Beate Hecher & Markus Keim, Christina Stratsiani
More info about the Gradient project here: http://multiartprojects.org