Dreaming of my city: an open social web action for art and culture in urban environment

The creative team of Festival Miden and Sea Level organize a series of meetings with new media artists, starting a week before Festival Miden 2009 annual screenings in Kalamata’s Historic Centre and continuing during the festival.
These meetings, which aim to introduce young artists and creative youngsters of Kalamata to the creative use of new media, will set the basis for a continuing collaboration for a future project, organized by Sea Level (the non-profit organization that organizes Festival Miden) and supported by the European Program “Youth in Action”, entitled “Dreaming of my city: an open social web action for art and culture in urban environment”. The project will extend “Urban (R)evolutions”, which begun as a collective video and images screening, to a wider communication platform for urban environment on the web.
First artists invited are Manthos Santorineos, Harikleia Hari, Tzimis Efthimiou and the group Personal Cinema. The artists will make presentations and lead a series of workshops on the creative use of video art, web 2.0 and social media for collective projects in the context of the program “Dreaming of my city”. The program will be completed in November 2009.
The admission to the workshops and the participation in the project is open and free for anyone interested.
For more information please contact [email protected] or [email protected]